Southwestern Church of God
Christ -centered and people focused, community based church.

Welcome to
Southwestern Church of God
We’re glad you chose to visit our website. We at Southwestern Church of God want you to know that you will receive a loving and caring welcome from all of us. We are here to support you and your family. Our prayer for you today is that you be blessed and enjoy a wonderful relationship with God.
We are a community based church with a vision of reaching the City of Detroit and the world with the wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are actively involved in helping to feed the hungry and providing clothing for those in need. Our congregation supports missions in Haiti and around the world. We are Christ-centered and people focused. We believe that every person has been created by God for greatness, and that our role is to inspire, encourage, and empower people to fulfill their God-given destiny.
You’re invited to come and worship with us. Get involved in our Reviving, Restoring, and Releasing ministry. Click on our Service & Events page to see the exciting things that are going on at Southwestern Church of God. God’s Spirit is already moving! Join in the excitement and witness miracles.
Thanks for your visit! May God bless you!

Join Us for Service
You’re cordially invited to join us at Southwestern Church of God

It is called “Church of God”
Acts 20:28
It takes the Father’s name
Ephesians 3:14-15

Join Our Ministries
If you have a message, preach it for the master. If you have a song, sing it for the master. If you have a calling, step into your ministry. “The harvest truly [is] plenteous, but the labourers [are] few;” (Mat 9:37). We invite you to be a part of our soul winning team! At Southwestern you will find there is something for everyone. Each of our ministries is purposed to help each person in our church family grow in their faith and become a better disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ. For more information on our ministries, please contact the church office.
Our News

Southwestern Church of God
3032 South Fort Street
Detroit, Michigan 48217
PH: 313-386-7960
PH: 313-386-7961
FAX: 313-386-0551
EM: southwesterncog3032@yahoo.com
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